


Gjerstad mek.verksted AS was founded in 1964 by Kjetil Moe. He worked as a machine contractor, and saw the need for better buckets than those that were delivered as stock equipment with construction machines.

Initially, the business consisted of building and repairing its own buckets, but there were soon questions about buckets from other contractors. This also led to contact with machine dealers who started buying buckets from Gjerstad for their new machines.


The small workshop in which the business started soon became too small, and in 1967 the company moved into a new, modern building. This led to new growth for the business, and soon the Gjerstad buckets were known all over the country for their good quality and fit. At the same time, the product range increased, and in addition to buckets, snow removal equipment, timber handling equipment, side tipping buckets for tunnel loading and equipment for handling boulders were produced. In addition, for a period, many trailers were produced for the transport of construction machinery. Kjetil Moe also made contacts in several other countries, and eventually exports became a significant part of sales.

1970s and 1980s

In the 1970s and 80s, the workshop expanded several times, and in 1988 the company moved into a new contemporary industrial building approx. 2 km from the original workshop. Drastic declines in the construction market led to some difficult years for the company, with large capital costs and declining turnover.


Utover 1990-tallet utviklet bedriften seg videre, fikk nye kunder og produserte stadig nytt og større utstyr. 

I 1999 gikk Kjetil Moe brått bort 65 år gammel, familien hadde et klart ønske om at bedriften skulle føres videre slik Kjetil også ønsket, og etter en overgangsperiode overtok sønnen, 
Tor Kjetilson Moe, som daglig leder i 2004.

After 2000

The years up to 2008 were characterized by strong growth and a focus on product development. Among other things, Gjerstad developed shim-free reversible HK fasteners, which became a sales success with a doubling of sales each year after the launch in 2005. The turnover, number of employees and results grew until and including 2007, which was the record year for Gjerstad.

After 2008, there were again very bad times in the construction industry and Gjerstad used the quiet time to further their development of new products, improving existing products and market adaptations with our customers. At the same time, production was established in Asia to meet the growing competition.

Today, the Gjerstad brand is operated by CEG Norway AS in Norway. Gjerstad has also further strengthened its position in Scandinavia. In 2013, Swedish Mowit was acquired and incorporated into Gjerstad. The company CEG Sweden AB currently offers a full Gjerstad product range in the Swedish market too.

In 2015, all production in Asia was discontinued and Gjerstad manufacture most of the excavation and wheel loader equipment in Scandinavia again.


Our strategy is to expand the volume of our core products, while constantly seeking new products and markets for further growth. Close follow-up together with producers, steel suppliers and logistics partners will contribute to Gjerstad remaining No. 1. Gjerstad is today a business under Construction Equipment Group AS (cegroup.no) and together with sister companies we will create the Nordic region's best supplier of equipment for both agriculture, construction, construction and industry.

Our customers make daily demands on us and the way forward depends on us being able to respond to the challenges. We have to do that, because we are:
Rock Solid. Always.
CEG Denmark ApS
Granhøjvej 8
8600 Silkeborg Denmark
Tlf: +45 24 48 93 03
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